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PFC015: Kennedy Library Press (Liège)


Lotto bookstore located in the center of Liege. The library has been completely renovated (paintings, furniture, equipment, ...).

It also goes without saying that future results will be constantly growing due to the increasing commercial area.



Region: Liege Centre

Province: Liège

Legal Structure:

Operating company

Commercial structure:

Operating company

Building structure:

The building is owned by the s.p.r.l. transferor.

The area is roughly 85 m², understood in the possibility of extension.


The goodwill is managed by the transferor.


Turnover at 30/06/08: € 145,000.00

07 Turnover: € 291,000.00

Lotto 07: € 12,000.00

Gross Profit 07: € 54,000.00

06 Turnover: € 296,000.00

Lotto 06: € 13,000.00

Gross Profit 06: € 51,000.00

Miscellaneous information:

Years Established: 2002 (Available for over 25 years)

Because of the discount Pension

Payments A.M.P. Monthly: 3 x € 2,500.00


Disposal of goodwill


Sale ground floor


[id = Widgetkit 42]

  • Hits: 1118
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